Thursday, July 28, 2022

 Coco and the Colorado Trail – The Segments

Coco is hiking the Collegiate West route of the Colorado Trail that was added in 2012 and was co-located with the Continental Divide National Scenic Trail. The trail is divided into segments which vary in distance from 10-20 miles.

Her first two segments are challenging if the temperature are expected to be hot, so she opted to depart before sunrise to beat the heat. She has a Garmin locater device and can text us each evening when she finds a camp location, and also to alert us when she will come out for a resupply and some puppy love. She crushed the hike on her first day, making 20 miles (4 miles into segment 2) and then did enough on day 2 to get partway into segment 3. On day 3 she finished segment 4. She’s a day ahead of schedule so we will meet her to resupply at our campsite in the Kenosha Pass Campground on day 5 (July 28).

We can’t wait to hear her stories and see how she is feeling. She requested we try to find some shoe inserts before we leave Littleton. That says something!

 A Broad in Training Hikes the Colorado Trail

Follow her journey and her support team here – Mom, Dad, and the pups

It’s 7:00 a.m. on July 25, 2022. We are slowly waking as the Colorado sun warms our tiny home for the next five weeks – an 18-foot Forest River R-Pod. We were up at 4:00 a.m., perking coffee and offering it to our daughter Colleen as she prepares to depart for a 500-mile solo journey along the Colorado Trail. We are her support team as well as summer adventure camp for her five-year-old Golden Retriever named Tallus. We also share our home on wheels with Nuke, our nine-year-old lab.

Coco has worked in the recreation field since high school and along the way finished her degree in environmental studies. Circumstances have allowed her to take a “gap” year to pursue a growing desire to hike a “thru” trail. She explored the Continental Divide trail that snakes through her home state of New Mexico but settled on the Colorado Trail for it’s high traverses and alpine vistas.

We will be providing resupply, hot showers, visits with her pup, and anything else she needs along this adventure while taking in the sights and sounds of Southwestern Colorado from Littleton to Durango.

Join us on the journey as we share her story.