Monday, June 15, 2020

The Trail Challenge Begins

Remember to only leave footprints behind.

Get close and personal with natures beauty.
STOP and take in the view.

The Broads View 2002 Hiking Challenge has begun! 

If you haven't registered it's still not too late. You can join anytime, but make sure you give yourself enough time to achieve your goal by October 17, 2020. 

A few Ogden Broads are going to work toward hiking to Lewis Peak from the Skyline Trail. A Broad and Bro are going to attempt to either hike or bike all the trails listed in the Trails Foundation of Northern Utah map (the new one is out and lists over 70 trails). A SLC Broad is going to explore urban and urban-adjacent trail systems close to home, and a Park City Broad is going to get to know more trails around her community and take a friend or family member with her.

It's going to be a fun summer sharing all of these great adventures. It's easy to register for the challenge. Register here and start your challenge. Tag your adventures with #broadsviewchallenge2020 on all your social media.  Let's get hiking!

1 comment:

  1. This challenge is a great motivation to get out on your community trails.
